niedziela, 18 sierpnia 2013
Amelinowe Pszczółki
Nasz grupa nazywa się „Amelinowe Pszczółki”. W naszym herbie latają pszczoły, na dole morze amelinium, w prawym górnym
rogu puszka farby amelinowej.
Członkowie grupy:
Paris – lubi grać w piłkę nożnę i koszykówkę,
Andrzej – lubi stać na bramce,
Sebastian – lubi piłkę ręczną, siatkówkę,
beach snocker, siatkówkę plażową,
Zosia – lubi słuchać muzyki i grać w siatkówkę,
Paweł – lubi grać na
Ada – lubi grać w koszykówkę, grać na pianinie,
keyboardzie, czytać książki, interesuje się też astronomią.
Wszyscy lubimy:
- jeść,
- słuchać muzyki,
- dobrze się bawić.
Co nam się najbardziej podobało na obozie?
Podczas obozu English Summer Camp 2013 najbardziej podobał
się nam pokaz mody LPP. Ubrania z Reserved były fantastyczne,
świetnie się w nich czuliśmy. Fryzury oraz makijaże były
niezwykłe. Pomimo stresu było to bardzo ciekawe doświadczenie w
naszym życiu.
Kitty Caty
i nazwisko
lubimy robić?
guziki i jeść czekoladę
w piłkę nożną
w piłę ręczną i kosza
w piłkę nożną
wszyscy lubimy?
lubimy jeść pizzę.
dzień podobał nam się najbardziej?
podobała nam się sobota (17.08.2013).W tym dniu odbył
się warsztat kuglarski, na którym chodziliśmy po linie, jeździliśmy
na monocyklu, żonglowaliśmy piłeczkami i kręciliśmy talerzami. Wieczorem
przyjechał do nas pan Michał Karmowski, który jest mistrzem
polski w kulturystyce. Wszyscy
razem najpierw zrobiliśmy rozgrzewkę, a następnie graliśmy w
piłkę nożną, siłowaliśmy się na rękę, a na koniec zrobiliśmy
pamiątkowe zdjęcie wraz z Filkiem. Po wizycie mistrza otrzymaliśmy
bilety na koncert zespołu „Watermelon Crush”. Bawiliśmy się
świetnie. Przed pójściem spać pani kierownik obozu
zrobiła nam Dzień Dziecka - nie musieliśmy się myć.
wygląda nasza flaga?
flaga przedstawia kota z dwunastoma gwiazdkami. Co druga gwiazdka ma
pierwszą literę imienia każdej osoby z naszej grupy. Wybraliśmy
taką formę ponieważ pasuje ona do nazwy naszej grupy i nam się
English Summer Camp is great!
grupy: Krejzole!
kto lubi z naszej grupy
Justyna "Tina" - lubi czytać książki,
Asia- "Blondi" - lubi uprawiać sport,
Lena "Niunia" - lubi
jeździć na rolkach,
Michał "Mario" - lubi grać na komputerze,
Basia "Gwiazdka" - lubi gwiazdki,
Jessica "Jessi" - lubi oglądać ptaki.
ulubionym zajęciem naszej grupy jest: jedzenie
najfajniejszym dniem z obozu był dzień w którym odbył się pokaz
mody. Ubieraliśmy ciuchy z firmy RESERVED. Mieliśmy na sobie
japonki, trampki, spódniczki, bluzki i kolorowe torebki, biżuterię. Przed
pokazem mody ćwiczyliśmy układ taneczny oraz pozowanie. W ten dzień
byliśmy zestresowani, może w przyszłości będziemy
flaga wygląda kolorowo, ma na sobie kleksy i ślimaki. Wybraliśmy
taką formę, bo jest ona prosta, przyjemna i nam się podoba.
Nazwa grupy: Orzełki
Członkowie grupy: Łukasz , Krzysztof , Sabina , Julia , Kamil , Julia J.
Łukasz : lubi grać w piłkę nożną i w siatkówkę,
Krzysztof: lubi grać w piłkę nożną i w siatkówkę,
Sabina: lubi
pisać sms,
Julia: lubi grać
w piłkę ręczną i czytać książki familijne,
Kamil: lubi
rysować i język angielski,
Julia J.: lubi
czytać książki.
Wszyscy lubimy grać w
piłkę nożną, siatkę, koszykówkę, lubimy brzoskwinie,
Amelinium, Szyszunię, filmy i inne rzeczy.
Opis Najlepszego Dnia na
Pokaz mody
W pierwszych godzinach
szykowaliśmy się, malowaliśmy się i ubieraliśmy w ciuchy
Reserved. Mieliśmy próby i na próbach przygotowaliśmy się na
występ. Potem mieliśmy występ. Po występie mieliśmy ognisko i
poszliśmy na plac zabaw. Dostaliśmy ubrania w prezencie.
Ścianka wspinaczkowa i
Przyjechali panowie,
zaczęli przygotowywać dla nas ściankę wspinaczkową i zorbę.
Podzieliliśmy się na grupy, każdy chodził po kolei. Wchodziliśmy
do zorby, potem kulaliśmy się. W międzyczasie druga grupa miała
zajęcia z projektów.
Nasza grupa nazywa się "OBOZOWICZE".
Nasz skład:
Igi - Igor Kościański
Luna - Julia Bustrek
Kris - Krzysztof Łopatniuk
Zołi - Zuzanna Maciaszek
Igi jest naszym szefem, jego zastęcą jest Kris, Luna jest sekretamrzem, a Zołi pomocknikiem.
Wszyscy razem bardzo lubimy grać w koszykówkę, ale każde z nas ma też swoje hobby.
Igi lubi piłkę nożną, Luna kocha konie, Zołi uwielbia zwierzęta, a Kris najchętnij pływa kajakiem.
Na obozie najbardziej podobał nam się pokaz mody oraz koncert zespołu "Watremelon Crash". Pokaz dlatego, że mogliśmy przymierzać ubrania, przejść się po wybiegu a prawdziwi fotoreporterzy robili nam zdjęcia. Bardzo podobała nam się też muzyka grana przez zespół oraz świecące w ciemności opaski, które dostaliśmy przy wejściu.
Oto flaga naszej grupy:
Kulturalni Kulturyści
Nasza drużyna nazywa się "Kulturalni kulturyści", czyli grzeczni siłacze.
Dawid, ksywka Pudzian.
Piotr, ksywka Wampir.
Adam, ksywka Mózg.
Wera, ksywka Barbie.
Dawid - słodycze, które są dobre na masę.
Piotr - piłkę nożną, bo zawsze strzelam do celu.
Adam - nowe technologie, bo jestem mózgiem drużyny.
Wera - przebierać się i malować, bo mnie to uszczęśliwia.
Arbuzy i banany, bo dodają nam siły!
Naszym ulubionym dniem na obozie był dzień, w którym przyjechał do nas zespół "Watermelon Crush" i zagrał dla nas fajny koncert. Dostaliśmy świecące bransoletki, którymi machaliśmy w powietrzu. Po koncercie zaskoczyły nas kolorowe fajerwerki. To był niesamowity dzień!
...przedstawia arbuzy i banana, który strzela fajerwerkami. Jest to symbol tego, co najbardziej lubimy.
piątek, 16 sierpnia 2013
Day 10
got up at half past seven, then we went to do a warm up. Later we ate
breakfast. After breakfast we tidied up rooms. Then we learned
English. Then we ate dinner tomato soup, potatos, fish and salad.
After dinner we had a game in forest and workshop about electro
waste. Later we ate supper. In the evening we had quiz and charades.
After the games we took a shower and went to sleep.
Krzysiu, 9
Wednesday arrived two men to our camp. We had activities with them
outside. They prepared for us a climbing wall and zorba. All of us
liked it very much. Everybody worked with zorba, but on the climbing
wall there could be only one person. After those activities we were
watching a movie.
Julia, 13
were two things that were great: when we played the game in the
forest and a fashion show. At that time I had to wear make-up.
Łukasz, 14
liked most swimming in the lake. I didn't like most going to the shop,
because there were big prices. I liked most playing volleyball, fashion show and football training.
Sabina, 14
liked it when we went by the lake. We went to the shop, but this shop
was very expensive. In our camp there was a fashion show. It was
great. I liked it most when we had a bonfire. It was very nice. I
liked playing badminton.
Sebastian, 13
liked most climbing wall. I liked less football training. I didn't
like disco. I didn't like shop. I didn't like fashion show. I liked
most spinning in zorba. I liked less playing basketball.
Paweł, 14
liked most swimming in the lake, English lessons, football training.
I liked very much climbing wall, spinning in zorba. I didn't like
going to shop, fashion show. I liked very much chemistry lesson.
Zosia, 13
most that the parties and a fashion show. And we had group lessons
with friends. Sometimes I liked it when we were in the shop, but this
shop was very expensive. I liked it when we played volleyball and
basketball and sometimes football. The camp was quite cool.
Julia, 12
there was a disco. I had lots of fun. I liked most the disco, sitting
by the lake and fashion show. I didn't like going to shop. We were in
a little zoo, the pigs ate Tic Tacs. Pigs and their children smelled
bad. There was a goat in the zoo. The goat was beautiful.
Paris, 13
the camp I liked most football training, experiments and climbing
wall. I didn't like prices in shop and stinking pigs. I had lots of
fun and that's all for today.
Krzysiu, 12
the camp I liked most spinning in the ball and football training. I
didn't like prices in the shop. Experiments with Miss Kasia were
cool. In Szarlota there was a fashion show. Pigs in Mini Zoo were
stinking and ate Tic Tac.
the camp I liked most climbing wall, swimming in the lake, spinning
in the zorba, pigs that ate Tic Tacs, football training and stories.
I didn't like like prices in the shop, experiments with aluminium,
stinky pigs, haunted wardrobe in my room number 16.
Julia, 10
woke up at 7.20 a.m. Later we had a warm up. We had breakfast,
cleaned up our rooms and we had English. We played in the woods in 2
teams. Then we were making huts. I had a great time.
Julia, 10
Justyna, 12
liked most when we were climbing. Next we went on the big ball called
zorba. In the evening two ladies arrived who were telling us some
stories. I liked also a fashion show, when we got clothes.
Bartek, 11
Wednesday two men arrived to the camp. They put up the climbing wall
and zorba. We were climbing and going into the big ball. Then we had
classes about making projects. We were working in groups and playing.
I liked it very much.
Asia, 11
liked most the fashion show. It took place on Tuesday at 6 p.m.
Everybody had cool clothes and were very happy. There were many
people and photographers. It was fantastic. In the end we danced a
special dance. After the fashion show we had a bonfire. It was great.
Jadzia, 11
favourite activity on the English Summer Camp was „Small explorer”.
We were running in zorba (hamster's ball). We were climbing the wall.
I climbed very high. It was very funny.
Iga, 12
the English Summer Camp I liked most the evening story telling. On
Wednesday after supper there arrived two ladies. They were telling
different stories. Some stories were scary, sad and funny, but each
was very interesting. Later we took a shower and went to sleep. It
was fantastic.
Iga, 12
Nikolina, 12
the English Summer Camp I liked most fashion show, because we had
incredible clothes. I also liked the English lessons and the other
classes. The chemsitry classes were also very interesting, because
I'm interested in Chemistry. Sometimes we were playing volleyball and
basketball. We were also swimming in the lake and it was great.
Nikolina, 12
Nina, 12
the English Summer Camp I liked most the fashion show, because we had
beautiful clothes. Very interesting were Chemistry classes. I also
liked the English lessons. It was fantastic. I also liked the whole
Nina, 12
Klaudia, 12
liked most the fashion show. It took place on Tuesday, but earlier we
had preparations, which started with choosing clothes from Reserved.
Then we had rehearsals and we were drawing our interests on a piece
of paper. We were supposted to show everybody what we like doing. The
fashion show started at 6 p.m., but at 4 p.m. We started to dress and
do make-up. We also had rehearsals. At the end we got clothes from
Reserved and had a bonfire.
czwartek, 15 sierpnia 2013
Day 9
got up at 7:20 a.m. Then we had breakfast. After that we cleaned our
rooms. Next we had English. After dinner we went to shop and played
football. After that we had chemistry lessons. These lessons were
very interesting. Then we had supper. Then we had disco. The party
was great. The king of the disco was Łukasz and the queen was Iga.
The day was the best of all the camp.
Ada, 14
liked most fashion show. It was really fantastic. There was lots of
people. There were lots of photos of us too. I would repeat this one
more time. I liked more climbing the wall. I was very tired, but I
finished it. This attraction was a great fun. I liked less dancing
salsa. I can't dance, so I'm not very good at this. I didn't like
chemistry lessons, because I don't like this subject. At school I
hate this. I liked very much playing basketball everyday, with
children too. Basketball is my favourite sport and I was very happy
when I thought this others.
środa, 14 sierpnia 2013
Day 8
got up at half past seven. We ate breakfast and tidied up our rooms.
Afterwards we had English lessons. Then we had dinner and we went
outside to have sport activities: a climbing wall and zorba. Then we
watched „The Lion King”. At 6.00 p.m. we had supper and wrote the
wtorek, 13 sierpnia 2013
Day 7
got up half past seven. Then we went to do a warm-up. We ate
breakfast and tidied up our rooms. Then we had English lessons.
After English we had dinner and took a shower before fashion show.
Later we went to the hotel, we dressed in clothes for the fashion
show, ladies from LPP did our make – up and our hair. We had the
last rehearsal and started the show at 18:00. After the fashion show
we had a bonfire and went to the playground. After we came back we
watched a movie „Rio”.
poniedziałek, 12 sierpnia 2013
Day 6
got up at half past seven. We ate breakfast and tidied up our rooms.
Then we had three hours of English. After English lesson we ate
dinner. Afterwards we divided into two groups: one group went to
salsa workshop and the other group went to the shop. Then we
switched. In the evening we ate supper and we had rehearsal before
the fashion show. Later we took a shower and went to sleep.
niedziela, 11 sierpnia 2013
Day 5
got up at half past seven and went to breakfast. After we tidied up
our rooms. Then our tutors divided us into 2 groups. First group went
to computer classes and second group was drawing their interests.
Next we ate dinner and after a short break we had a holy mass. Then
we went for a walk to the forest and played games. When we got back
we ate supper, took a shower and we watched „Shrek forever after”.
Then we went to sleep.
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